here's the patient. with a lumpia in his mouth.
the accident happened last Monday afternoon. he got two injections from the vet: a pain med and an antibiotic. here's how Toby's progress went:
Monday evening: He lay down and slept all night. Drugged up. Groggy. Cranky. (sounds like me in the morning). Could barely walk two or three steps with a heavy limp on his right side. then would just lay down again. Aww, he was like a newborn baby, we had to carry him everywhere. When his buddies Snickers and Hershey came over, along with Tita Christal and Tito Mark (lol), he got excited, got up, and wagged his tail while scurrying towards them. When he first saw Christal, he jumped up off his comfortanle spot on the couch to greet her and his buds. A good sign. but he didn't eat or pee or poop. I was still worried.
Tuesday: was able to walk a few steps more. went pee for the first time since he peed on the vet after the accident. had a hint of blood in his urine. vet said this is normall due to his kidney probably being bruised. he then got his appetite back and ate a lot! Yay! He ate like he never ate before. kibble n everything. usually he goes for kibble when hes's desperate, but today he went for it without even begging for human food.
Wednesday: Much more active today. Able to walk a little farther. Still has a little limp on the right side. He does this skipping move so he doesn't put wait on his right hind leg--soo cute. but so kawawa. awww. he still can't jump up on beds and couches. but even better appetite today. eats everything in his bowl. fatass. Im thinking since his body is recovering he needs all the protein n fat he can get.
Thursday: Way more active today. Still unable to jump up, but walking much more and limp is not as obvious. but after our afternoon walk, he got a little tired and couldn't climb up the stairs to my gate. So he sat at the bottom of the stairs, and when I asked him, "You want me to carry you?" He just smiled and wagged his tail like crazy. I took it as a yes. awww. Still like a newborn. Or actually a toddler. that just needs to be carried around sometimes. I did a little bit of physical therapy/rehab on him, massaged his legs and did some gentle stretching while he lay on the bed with me. hehe.
Weekend: Able to run around and play! enough energy for a bath. getting back to his old picky self. waits for us to give him human food. limp less obvious.
In general, the patient is doing very well.
Plan: Keep administering pain meds and antibiotics. High protein diet. Physical therapy and stretching to affected muscles.
Prognosis: a healed miracle dog.
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