
congrats Ethel!

a special shoutout to my SB (Same Brain for those who don't know--we often think alike). my girl ethel just graduated from RN school after all her hard work, blood, sweat, n tears. and not only did she graduate, she graduated with HONORS or in the formal term "cum laude."
i even embarassed myself by screaming during a silent moment at the ceremony "WE LOVE YOU ETHEL!!!" embarrassing. but totally worth it. it was pretty dope, it being at the Orpheum theatre downtown LA. really old and creepy, vintage classic architecture. adrian said Lucy & Ricky used to come here. crazy huh? there was one girl missing in our posse... we miss u carla!!!
so once again. CONGRATULATIONS ETHEL!!! You did it!!! I'm so proud of you! soon after you pass your boards you can kick back and relax, celebrate all you've accomplished, and spoil yourself! let's go on vacay!!! love ya!

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